Welcome Relationships Rule Listeners

Since you’re here, you must have heard my interview with Janice Porter on the Relationships Rule Podcast. I hope you had as much fun listening to us as I did talking with Janice.

Janice is a master at helping you to create human connections that build your network and drive real results in your business.


And when it comes to the human side of business, strategic storytelling is a fundamentally human way to accomplish that very thing – human connection and personal influence that leads to achieving your business goals.

If you’d like to learn more about how to apply the power of story and story structure for yourself, here are the resources I mentioned on the podcast – please use them as my gift to you.


If there’s any way my team and I can be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Because one thing’s for sure – even though business constantly changes, and marketing fads come and go, the one constant is the need for genuine human connection.


Those who connect are the ones who change the world.

JEFF BARTSCH, Founder at Story Greenlight